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Club Positions

President -   
Chief responsibility is Public Relations with Miata related sponsors and groups.  Conducting monthly meetings and overseeing them.  Making arrangements with restaurants for monthly club luncheon.  Communicating with other club Officers to make sure they are on top of their assigned duties.  Helping other officers if need be.  Duty to write “From the Top Down” article for newsletter. 
Vice President / Event Coordinator -    
Chief responsibility is to handle Public Relations on Club events.  Coordinate, help members with, and plan club drives, activities and events.  Keep event calendar up to date and get articles and information on activities to Newsletter Editor and Webmaster.  Help President conduct club meetings and help other officers be on top of their assigned duties. 
Club Secretary / Membership Coordinator -    
Responsible for collecting club membership dues, keeping track of membership expiration dates, home addresses, telephone members, email addresses and keeping Newsletter Editor supplied with current mailing lists, new member list and birthday list. 
Club Treasurer -  
Responsible for managing club funds, checking account, debit card and for making financial reports as required. 
Directors ( 3 each) -    
Past President assumes one of the Director’s position.  The other two are voted on by club members.  Act as consultant or advisor for club operations and activities. 
Club Photographer / Historian -   
Responsible as "Official" Club Photographer & Historian for taking photographs of Club Events and Activities.  Also for organizing and labeling new photos, and asking for and collecting photos from other club members.  Provide photos of events, drives, activities to Webmaster and maintaing photo files for club. 
NewsLetter Editor -   
Responsible for Production, writing, creating and mailing the Monthly Club Newsletter.  Collecting newsworthy items and articles and photos from club members to aid in producing Monthly Newsletter.  Newsletter to be produced in a timely manner as to be received by club members prior to following month's luncheon date.  Also to provide newsletter to Webmaster for posting on club website. 
Webmaster -    
Responsible for maintaing the Club Website and keeping it current.  Collecting articles, information, photos to post for current club events, activities and drives.  Advertising local, regional, national and other Miata related events. Creating photo galleries of club events.  Featuring past newsletters and items of interest. 
Miata Wear / Club Logo Merchandise -    
Responsible for obtaining or producing Utah Miata Club Apparel, Club Car Magnets, Decals, and Specialty items with Club Logo(s) on them for sale to club members or for fundraiser for the club.  Can solicit help from other club members for design of items or production. Sales are optional for club members. 
Birthday Coordinator -    
Responsible for keeping track of Member's Birthdays and acknowledging members birthday during their birthday month by presenting birthday gift on behalf of the club.  The birthday gift needs to be a $5.00 or less item purchased by Birthday Coordinator and distributed during monthly club meeting. Reimbursement by club will be made for items purchased.  Also to report birthday list to Newsletter Editor. 
Member Spotlight Reporter -   
Responsible for interviewing particularly New or other club members for purpose of featuring them as a monthly feature article to highlight this member in the Monthly Newsletter.  It is suggested to take a photo of the Spotlight members and their car to feature with article.  Reporter to email article to Newsletter Editor. 
Telephone Call Committee Chairman -    
Chair committee for making telephone calls to members when needed about upcoming events, especially to members not having email addresses.


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